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          optimistic remark: ‘The Netherlands can actually
          benefit from the fact that it is such a small country.     DCYPHER IN SHORT
          The lines here are short and informal. Within the com-
          munity dcypher has been able to develop, we have          The platform dcypher (Dutch cybersecurity platform
          the right expertise together to make a real impact.’
                                                                    for higher education and research) was founded in
                                                                    April 2016 by the Ministry of Justice & Security, the
          What’s next?                                              Ministry of Education, Culture & Science, the Ministry
          In a letter to the House of Representatives, on 9 April   of Economic Affairs & Climate, together with NWO.
          2020, State Secretary Mona Keijzer of the Ministry of
          Economic Affairs and Climate Policy announced the          In 2018, the Ministry of Defence joined as well.
          establishment of a new cybersecurity collaboration        The platform ceased to exist on 1 October 2020.
          platform as a follow-up to dcypher.
                                                                    The goal of dcypher was to improve knowledge and
          Shortly after, five Quartermasters (representing           expertise about cybersecurity in the Netherlands by
          research, higher education, business and government)
          started to write an advice, which was submitted to        stimulating scientific research and higher education
          the Ministry mid-August. In their advice, a platform      and by bringing all the diverse cybersecurity parties
          is proposed that on the one hand builds on the            in the country together.
          dcypher heritage, and on the other hand develops
          better connections in the chain ‘knowledge-education-
          innovation-valorisation’. While dcypher established
          a strong foundation, the quartermasters advise
          to involve partners from the entire chain more
          explicitly. This results in the ambition ‘to effectively
          bring together supply, demand and funding for
          cybersecurity education, research, innovation
          and application’.

          In addition to an agenda-setting role, as dcypher
          played, the new platform is therefore also assigned
          a programming role. That role of translating theme
          selection into concrete programs and projects must
          be granted by the funders, including governments,
          NWO and the business community. Obtaining a
          mandate for a thematic and chain-oriented approach        In recent years, dcypher has produced a research
          will be the major challenge for the coming months.        agenda and an education agenda, among other things.
          The objective is to achieve a smooth transition
          from dcypher to the new platform.                         The research agenda has been drawn up as a guideline
                                                                    for public-private partnerships within national research
                                                                    into cybersecurity. The research is divided into five
                                                                    pillars: design, attacks, defence, governance and
         Bibi van den Berg:                                         privacy. Each pillar requires contributions from
                                                                    computer science, technology, social sciences and
              ‘Do not let the                                       the humanities.
               networks and
              collaborations                                        Finally, dcypher has succeeded in community building:
             that have been                                         the previously fragmented Dutch cybersecurity
                                                                    landscape has become far more unified in in terms
           carefully built up
                                                                    of research and education.
                  go to waste’

                                                                    More information
                                                                    About dcypher:
                                                                    dcypher research agenda:
                                                                    dcypher education agenda:

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