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18 Managing the
INTERSECT programme on the
security of Internet-of-Things. Questions
Questions that came to my mind during
19 Land-based the COVID-19 lockdown.
GPS keeps
Conspiracy theories
the roads safe
• What is the origin of conspiracy theories about, for instance,
Wireless terrestrial GPS to the relationship between COVID-19 and 5G?
overcome problems with • Why do so many laymen with very modest spreadsheet skills
accurate positioning of make bold statements about the state and future of the pandemic?
self-driving cars. • Is the belief in conspiracies inherently human?
• Who benefits from conspiracy theories?
• Is “fake news” the cause of conspiracy theories or does it only
amplify them?
• Can we delegate the regulation of fake news to commercial
companies like Facebook and Twitter?
• How can we combat fake news?
• How can we balance the regulation of fake news and the freedom
of the press and the freedom of expression?
Science and policy making
22 Masterclass on • It was claimed that the policy of the Dutch government during
the COVID-19 outbreak was strongly based on science and used
digital twins advice from experts in virology and epidemiology.
How digital models are Was this good and/or sufficient?
getting real. • Which disciplines were missing, if any?
• How closely can scientists and policy makers cooperate?
• Has the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
(RIVM) damaged the trust of the general public in academic
24 Hooked on • What can we do as researchers to better avoid confusion between
digitisation our role as a scientist and other possible societal or industrial roles?
Vision of Joris van Eijnatten, • What can we do as researchers to keep or even strengthen the
new director eScience Center. trust of the general public in research?
Tracing app
• Is there any evidence that COVID-19 contact tracing apps can
be effective?
• Is there any technical evidence that the Dutch “CoronaMelder”
contact tracing app guarantees privacy?
• If so, which insights from behavioural sciences can help to
convince the general public of this fact?
• What are potentially more effective tracing approaches?
Preparing for the future
• As ICT researchers, what research questions can we study to help
us prepare for the next pandemic?
Answers, please.