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I/O Magazine  >  October 2020

          Somewhere in the foreseeable future, self-driving cars will fill   accuracy of one decimetre instead of metres. In contrast to
          the streets. Unfortunately, in densely built-up areas with tall   satellite navigation, they use transmitters the size of a Wi-Fi
          buildings, tunnels or parking garages, the built-in GPS fails.   modem that emit very short radio pulses on the ultra-wide-
          Even when smart software determines the precise location of    band. The signal receiver of could eventually be placed in a
          a vehicle, it remains an educated guess. To allow self-driving   small chip. Sending short pulses implicates that more band-
          cars to drive around in urban areas without causing trouble,    width of the radio spectrum is required. ‘But the great thing
          a more accurate positioning system is needed.       is that the bandwidth is not needed all the time, probably
                                                              just a millisecond every second.’ The receivers could be
                                                              combined with the 5G communication network because
          FAILING GPS                                         the range should be similar.

         ‘GPS was developed for military purposes in the 1960s’, says     It already works in the lab, says Tiberius. ‘Now the biggest
          Christian Tiberius, Associate Professor of Geoscience and   challenge is to make it work in practice.’ This summer a trial
          Remote Sensing at TU Delft. ‘It was used to determine the    in The Green Village started, an experimental village on the
          position of tanks, fighter planes and ships, but now it is also   TU Delft campus where a real living environment is simu-
          used in commercial ships and smartphones. It was never   lated with streets, houses, traffic and, of course, residents.
          intended for those applications.’ GPS satellites send a signal to   The researchers will attach their transmitters to lampposts
          a receiver on earth. The receiver determines its location based   and build a receiver themselves. ‘For now, the receiver will be
          on the time it takes for the signal to travel from the satellite to   put in a large storage box from IKEA, but ideally it will fit in a
          the receiver, multiplied by the speed of light. The location is   navigation system or smartphone.’ For this test it is essential
          then determined by measuring the distance between the satel-  that the transmitters are all well synchronized. Therefore
          lites and the receiver. The problem is that there is a lot of sig-  a fibre optic connection will be established with VSL, the
          nal reflection in built-up areas: the GPS signal bumps into all   Netherlands Metrology Institute, which is also in Delft.
                                                              A laser pulse with the time indication is sent from the
          kinds of objects such as buildings before it reaches the
          receiver. Tiberius: ‘At the Weena in Rotterdam, near the sky   institute with picosecond accuracy.
          scraper of Nationale Nederlanden, I once did a position calcu-
          lation with a simple receiver. It was hundreds of meters off.’   To accurately know the time, an important role is reserved
                                                              for the so-called time-frequency reference equipment, which
          Tiberius and his colleagues are now working on a solution to   has been developed by OPNT, a spin-off of VU Amsterdam.
          this problem. They are developing a land-based GPS with an   OPNT was also one of the initiators of the SuperGPS project.

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