Page 23 - IO_magazine
P. 23


                                              YOUR OWN DIGITAL TWIN

                                              At Dutch universities, a huge variety of research projects in the
                                              area of digital twins are being realised. Even our own bodies are
                                              a complex system. A doctor could test a treatment on a digital
                                              twin of yourself. Completely virtual hearts are already beating
                                              in computers and realistic computer models of, for example, the
                                              skeleton, muscles, lungs and blood vessels have been realised.
                                              A fast computer can retrieve the specific characteristics of an
                                              individual from scan images. We are getting closer to treatment
                                              based on personal characteristics instead of the properties of
                                              drugs. Such research is being realised at the University of
                                              Amsterdam, for example; see

         environmentally friendly as possi-  Robot cars                    but by making all of them intelli-
         ble? How high should the pressure                                 gent. Each of them measures where
         in the reactor be? And when      in formation                     its immediate neighbours are, and
         and how fast should you add                                       they maintain the distance between
         the limestone?                   The many researchers involved,   each other perfectly. If one of the
                                          nineteen of whom have been       robots makes a miscalculation,
                                          specifically appointed for the pro-  things do not immediately go
            ‘Digital twin is an umbrella    ject at the participating universities,   wrong. This robustness is important
          term for many different things,   face considerable challenges in   because if they are, for instance,
           varying from a 3D drawing to    developing optimal, reliable digital   tasked with transporting an aircraft
              a mathematical model’       twins. In subprojects, involving    wing, it must not be allowed to fall
                                          varying collaborations between    and break.’
                                          universities, progress towards the
         With an old-style digital twin, Tata   goals is gradually being made.    More information about the
         Steel designed a new reactor that   For example, how do you manage   DIGITAL TWIN programme:
         hugely simplifies the production    the complexity of data in enriched
         of liquid pig iron: now, just a single   software models? How can you
         reactor is needed instead of two   let these models improve a
         process steps. ‘This reactor, HIsarna,   control system?
         is now available as a demo version.
         We want to help the company make   The research leader of DIGITAL
         the step to production faster and   TWIN is working with his group on
         safer,’ says Jayawardhana. This    his own subproject with robot cars.
         step is precarious. If something   In an NWO video, you can see these
         goes wrong, the new reactor will   driving neatly in formation, like
         have to be stopped, and that will   fighter jets or swarms of sparrows
         easily cost hundreds of thousands   in the sky. Jayawardhana’s proud
         of euros.                        smile can be perceived over the
                                          phone as he explains it. ‘We try to
                                          let the mobile robots work together
                                          to achieve a group goal. Not by
                                          giving a single robot instructions,

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