Page 26 - belle__October_2017
P. 26


                                               Photograph CAITLIN MILLS

     BRODERICK ELY,                            HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR STUDIO? Brod:
JONATHON BOUCHER                               The first thing that comes to mind is action-
                                               packed. Having three different directors creates a
  AND ANDREW PIVA,                             colourful dynamic. The studio is a large open-plan,
   DIRECTORS OF B.E                            light-filled space that promotes cross pollination.


   Power of three                              SPACE? Jon: It was originally an accountant’s office
                                               with a suspended ceiling grid, partitions and fluro
      Synergy and a colourful dynamic define   lights. I could see that with the ceiling removed
    the Melbourne studio of B.E Architecture.  and taken back to concrete and the walls removed
                                               it would be a great space, with a wall big enough
218                                            for the art we like to work around. WHAT ARE YOUR
                                               DESK ESSENTIAL S? Andrew: Countless rolls of
                                               butter paper and whatever pens are within reach.
                                               I’m forever misplacing my scale ruler, so there’s
                                               a steady stream of those as well. As handy as
                                               smartphones are, every year I buy a Moleskine
                                               work diary to plan meetings and use for notes on
                                               site. WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT YOUR WO RKSPACE?

                                               HOW DOES IT REFLECT THE WORK THAT YOU DO?

                                               Brod: While the main studio is an open space, it’s
                                               still intimate and nurturing. It’s always nice to
                                               come into every morning. I do have my own space
                                               where I like to listen to classical music while
                                               I work, which is not all the staff’s cup of tea.
                                               D E SCRIB E THE VIE W FRO M YO UR O FFI CE? Andrew:
                                               Being on the ground floor in a colourful area off
                                               Chapel Street we tend to see (and hear) it all. On
                                               one side of the street you’ll have the best dressed
                                               from the modelling agency around the corner, and
                                               on the other you’ll see the dishevelled finishing up
                                               from their night out. DESCRIBE A T YPICAL DAY?
                                               Jon: I usually visit one of the job sites before work.
                                               The inner-city location of our office is central to
                                               many of our jobs. When I get in, I like to do the
                                               rounds of the staff to work through any project
                                               queries before I settle down to meetings. We have
                                               weekly lunch workshops with the staff, mentoring
                                               design and construction knowledge. DO YOU
                                               ENTERTAIN CLIENTS HERE? Andrew: Many of our
                                               clients are working professionals, so meetings are
                                               held towards the end of the day, and we’ve all
                                               earned a drink by then. In the future, we’d
                                               definitely like to have space for a large kitchen to
                                               entertain and cook for clients as well as staff. WHAT

                                               IS A DREAM DESK PIECE YOU WOULD BUY RIGHT

                                               NOW? Brod: I’m not sure I need anything for my
                                               desk except for it to be bigger. IF YOUR STUDIO

                                               WERE LOCATED ANYWHERE ELSE, WHERE WOULD

                                               THAT BE? Jon: It would be great to have an office
                                               in Spain, imagine the lunches... Realistically, we’d
                                               love to open a space in Sydney where we always
                                               have a few jobs on the go.
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